Wenlong Tian’s Personal Homepage
Basic Infomation
Wenlong Tian
Assistant Professor,
School of Computer Science and Technology, University of South China
Email: wenlongtian@usc.edu.cn
Phone: +86-18202786884
Office: Chongye Building D419, Yumu Campus, Univ. of Shouth China
Teaching Courses: Unified Modelling Language, Computer Networks, Discrete Mathematics, Cryptography, Computer Science Introduction, ASP.Net
- Nanyang Technological University Singapore
- Postdoc. Cryptography, 2022 - present
- University of South China Hengyang, China
- Assistant Professor. Computer Science 2019 - present
- Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, USA
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2017.3 - 2017. 10
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China
- PHD. Computer Science 2015 - 2019
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan, China
- M.S. Software Engineering 2012 - 2015
- University of South China Hengyang, China
- B.E. Software Engineering 2008- 2012
Research Interests
Cloud Storage Security, Cryptography, Blockchain, AI security
Computer Networks, Blockchain, Unified Modeling Language, Introduction of Computer Science, ASP.Net, Cryptography, Discrete Mathematics
Conference Papers
Zhixiong Xie, Wenlong Tian, Jianfeng Lu, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu, High-Performance and Secure Jaccard Similarity Estimation for Cloud Storage, Companion Proceedings of the ACM on Web Conference 2025, WWW 2025, Sydney, Australia, April 28th - May 2th, 2025. https://doi.org/10.1145/3701716.3715588
Zhihuan Yang, Wenlong Tian, Emma Zhang, Zhiyong Xu. Sec-Reduce: Secure Reduction of Redundant and Similar Data for Cloud Storage based on Zero-Knowledge Proof. The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 2024, San Ya, China, 17-21 December, 2024
Zhihuan Yang, Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Xuming Ye, Zhiyong Xu. Who Owns the Cloud Data? Exploring a non-interactive way for secure proof of ownership. The 23rd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, 2024, San Ya, China, 17-21 December, 2024
Xin Liu, Zhenxi Tian, Wenlong Tian and Zhiyong Xu. DNA-PRIME: Advanced DNA Sequence Compression through Enhanced Feature Fusion and Weight Hashing. The International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), 2024, Auckland, New Zealand, 2-6 December, 2024.
Jinzhao Wang, Wenlong Tian*, Ruixuan Li, Junwei Tang, Xuming Ye, Yaping Wan, Zhiyong Xu, Sym-Fed: Unleashing the Power of Symmetric Encryption in Cross-Silo Federated Learning. The 22nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, TrustCom 2023, Exeter, United Kingdom, November 1-3, 2023.
Yuqing Geng,Wenlong Tian*, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Chunping Ouyang, Yongbing Liu, Qifei Liu, Jing Li, Xuming Ye and Zhiyong Xu, Context-aware Resemblance Detection based Deduplication Ratio Prediction for Cloud Storage. The 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies BDCAT 2022,Vancouver, Washington, USA, December 6-9, 2022.
Zhigang Xu, Qing Sun, Hongmu Han, Xinhua Dong, Yan Zhongzhen, Zhiqiang Zheng, Wenlong Tian, BMTAC: A Decentralized, Auditable, Time-Limited, Multi-Authority Attribute Access Control Scheme in Blockchain Environment. The 19th IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, UIC 2022, Haikou, China, December 15-18, 2022
Yue Yuan, Yongbin Liu, Chunping Ouyang, Wenlong Tian and Wenlong Fang, 基于一对多关系的多模态虚假新闻检测, China Conference on Knowledge Graph and Semantic Computing, CCKS 2022, QingHuangDao, China, August 24-27, 2022
Baisong Li, Wenlong Tian*, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Zhongming Fu, Xuming Ye, Renjiao Duan, Yusheng Li, Zhiyong Xu: Cross-domain Resemblance Detection based on Meta-learning for Cloud Storage. The 41st IEEE – International Performance Computing and Communications Conference, IPCCC, 2022, Austin, TX, USA, November 11-13, 2022.
Xuming Ye, Xiaoye Xue, Wenlong Tian*, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu, Yaping Wan: Chunk Content is not Enough: Chunk-Context Aware Resemblance Detection for Deduplication Delta Compression. 31st Data Compression Conference, DCC 2022, Snowbird, UT, USA, March 22-25, 2022. (Accepted) video , PDF , Full Version, Detailed
Xuming Ye, Jia Tang, Wenlong Tian*, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu: Fast Variable-Grained Resemblance Data Deduplication For Cloud Storage. IEEE International Conference on Networking, Architecture and Storage, NAS 2021, Riverside, CA, USA, October 24-26, 2021:1-8. video, pdf, Detailed
Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu: PTS-Dep: A High-Performance Two-Party Secure Deduplication for Cloud Storage. HPCC/SmartCity/DSS 2018: 700-707 pdf
Dongdong Yue, Ruixuan Li, Yan Zhang, Wenlong Tian, Chengyi Peng: Blockchain Based Data Integrity Verification in P2P Cloud Storage. ICPADS 2018: 561-568.
Huikang Cao, Ruixuan Li, Wenlong Tian, Zhiyong Xu, Weijun Xiao: A Practical Accountability Scheme for Oblivious RAM in Cloud Storage. TrustCom/BigDataSE 2018: 397-402. ( Best Paper Award)
Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Zhiyong Xu, Weijun Xiao: Does the content defined chunking really solve the local boundary shift problem? IPCCC 2017: 1-8. pdf
Journal Papers
Xuming Ye, Wenlong Tian, Yaping Wan, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu: Context-aware resemblance detection for data deduplication with neural network, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2025,144 (110116), 0952-1976
Dewen Zeng, Wenlong Tian, Tingting He, Ruixuan Li, Xuming Ye, Weijun Xiao, Zhiyong Xu.IBNR-RD: Intra-Block Neighborhood Relationship-Based Resemblance Detection for High-Performance Multi-Node Post-Deduplication. IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TCC.2024.3514784.
Wenlong Tian, Jian Guo, Zhiyong Xu, Ruixuan Li, Weijun Xiao. PEO-Store: Delegation-Proof based Oblivious Storage with Secure Redundancy Elimination. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2024, 21(5): 4815-4826. doi:10.1109/TDSC.2024.3361450.
Wenlong Tian, Qi Liu, Ruixuan Li, Zhiyong Xu,Yan Zhang, Yongfeng Huang. A Blockchain-based Secure Searching Strategy for Metadata in Mobile Edge Computing. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023, 10(22): 19795-19809 (2023), doi:10.1109/JIOT.2023.3282043
阳智欢,田纹龙,何婷婷,叶旭明,唐佳,上下文语义嵌入的变粒度云存储相似数据去重技术,计算机技术与发展, 2024(已录用)
Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Zhiyong Xu, Weijun Xiao. Loco-Store Locality-Based Oblivious Data Storage. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, 19(2): 1395-1406 (2022) pdf
Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Zhiyong Xu: TSS: A Two-party Secure Server-Aid Chunking Algorithm. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2022, 34(12):e6577
Zhigang Xu, Shiguang Zhang, Hongmu Han, Xinhua Dong, Zhiqiang Zheng, Haitao Wang, Wenlong Tian, Blockchain-Aided Searchable Encryption-Based Two-Way Attribute Access Control Research, Security and Communication Networks, (Accepted)
Wenlong Tian, Ruixuan Li, Cheng-Zhong Xu, Zhiyong Xu:Sed-Dedup: An efficient secure deduplication system with data modifications. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2021, 33(15):e5350 pdf
田纹龙, 刘征海, 刘洋. 面向专业认证的UML建模语言课程教学改革研究[J]. 教育信息化论坛, 2022, 6(3):3.
Huikang Cao, Ruixuan Li, Wenlong Tian, Zhiyong Xu, Weijun Xiao:Blockchain-based accountability for multi-party oblivious RAM. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2020, 137:224-237. (co-first Author) pdf
Dongdong Yue, Ruixuan Li, Yan Zhang, Wenlong Tian, Yongfeng Huang:Blockchain-based verification framework for data integrity in edge-cloud storage. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2020, 146:1-14 pdf
何婷婷,田纹龙: 云环境下教师学习共同体的隐私保护–基于ORAM与群签名的融合技术. 现代教育技术, 2019, 000(001):79-85. (CSSCI)
Shuoyi Zhao, Ruixuan Li, Wenlong Tian, Weijun Xiao, Xinhua Dong, Dongjie Liao, Samee U. Khan, Keqin Li:Divide-and-conquer approach for solving singular value decomposition based on MapReduce. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2016, 28(2):331-350 pdf
2023年,“五平台联动”—— 软件工程专业实践教学改革与应用,湖南省计算机学会优秀高等教育教学成果奖,三等奖
2022年,“党史力行,言传身教,青春无悔,砥砺前行”,南华大学“喜迎党代会 奋进新征程”主题征文比赛,二等奖
2021年, 南华大学教师课堂教学竞赛三等奖,南华大学教务部
2018, IEEE TrustCom 2018 Best Paper Award(最佳论文奖), IEEE Computer Socie ty, A Practical Accountability Scheme for Oblivious RAM in Cloud Storage, 其他, 2018(Huikang Cao; Ruixuan Li; Wenlong Tian; Zhiyong Xu; Weijun Xiao)
Teaching Records
课程年份 | 课程名称 | 讲授班级 | 学时 |
2020年春季 | UML建模语言 | 2018级 软工01-04班,软卓01班,软智01-02班,船本软件01-03班 | 32学时 |
2020年秋季 | 计算机网络原理L | 19级软留01班 | 56学时 |
2020年秋季 | 新生入学教育 | 20级计类01-02班 | 6学时 |
2021年春季 | UML建模语言 | 2019级软工03-04班,软卓01班,软智01-02班 | 32学时 |
2021年春季 | UML建模语言L | 19级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2021年秋季 | 计算机网络原理L | 20级软留01班 | 56学时 |
2021年秋季 | ASP.Net程序设计L | 19级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2021年秋季 | 计算机科学导论 | 船本21级软工01-03班 | 40学时 |
2022年春季 | UML建模语言L | 20级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2022年秋季 | ASP.Net程序设计L | 20级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2022年秋季 | 计算机网络原理L | 21级软留01班 | 56学时 |
2023年春季 | UML建模语言L | 21级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2023年秋季 | ASP.Net程序设计L | 21级软留01班 | 32学时 |
2024年春季 | 算法分析与设计 | 船本22软件1-3班 | 40学时 |
2024年春季 | 操作系统原理 | 本22软卓01班 | 48学时 |
2024年秋季 | 离散数学 | 本23软卓01班 | 48学时 |
2024年秋季 | 计算机网络原理L | 本23软留01班 | 56学时 |
2025年春季 | 操作系统原理 | 本23软卓01班 | 48学时 |
2025年春季 | 大数据平台及编程实践B | 本22软卓01班 | 48学时 |
2025年春季 | Python程序设计 | 本24软创01班 | 32学时 |
2025年春季 | Python程序设计实验 | 本24软创01班 | 32学时 |
2025年春季 | UML建模语言L | 本23软留01班 | 32学时 |
田纹龙; 何婷婷; 叶旭明; 薛晓晔; 李瑞轩; 万亚平; 欧阳纯萍; 刘永彬; 刘征海; 刘洋 ; 一种云存 储相似数据检测方法和系统, 2022-01-21, 中国, 202210070755.3 (专利)
田纹龙; 刘骐菲; 耿雨晴; 李柏松; 万亚平; 欧阳纯萍; 李跃; 刘洋; 何婷婷 ; 一种基于相似数据检 测的云存储冗余数据预测方法和设备, 2022-02-25, 中国, 202210182503.X
田纹龙; 李柏松; 李宇圣; 万亚平; 欧阳纯萍; 刘永彬; 李跃 ; 一种基于元语义嵌入的云存储相似数 据检测方法和系统, 2022-01-21, 中国, 202210068769.1
李瑞轩; 张瑜; 李玉华; 辜希武; 李水祥; 田纹龙 ; 一种区块链和云存储环境下的数据安全共享方法 和系统, 2020-07-07, 中国, 202010650801.8
李瑞轩; 孙鳗; 辜希武; 李玉华; 刘奇; 李水祥; 田纹龙 ; 一种移动边缘计算环境下起源数据的加密 检索方法与系统, 2020-07-13, 中国, 202010671351.0
李瑞轩; 黄凤玲; 李玉华; 辜希武; 杨琪; 田纹龙; 王号召; 韩洪木 ; 一种分布式的互联网重要地址 空间检索系统, 2017-8-22, 中国, 201710339031.3
Software Copyright
李柏松,李宇圣,田纹龙, 基于知识图谱语义查询的航班集成系统 V1.0, 2022年04月07日,登记号2022SR0442094